Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Work is a 4-Letter Word

Come to think of it, so is Blog.

Good God, I have actually had to work at work for the last few works. The ulcers are bleeding, headaches are back. Hair's falling out. (Well, that last one happened along time ago.) In short, I have not been able to keep up with my own Blog or visit any of my favs.

Who is winning what?

What will Mary photograph next :)

You know, big issues. All this to say, sorry to anyone who has come by only to find (still) Dick Cheney's ugly ass up. Hopefully will get my shit together next week and can maybe get back to poetry and important things like my feelings, my hopes and my dreams.

On a more productive note, in my spare minutes I have been reading and thoroughly enjoying, James Reston's Gods Warriors which covers the 3rd Crusade. Richard the Lionhearted pitted against Saladin. Absolutely marvelous book. And sad to see nothing has really changed much.


marybid said...

I've had to work a lot lately too, which is seriously cutting into my photographing-of-feet time! ;)

I want to hear about your dog!

PS--I think I heard you read a poem at the New Words reading, and keep forgetting to mention that. I really liked it! That was you, right?

Keith said...

M - the pup should be with us next weekend.

He needs his first shots before going on the road trip and apparently his car is in the shop getting "summerized" - I think it's a stall tactic personally.


Yes, I did read this year and last at New Words. I read a poem about pheasant guts this time out. Glad you liked it.

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