Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Poetry and Puppy

Poetry log.

Willow Springs still holding some work. (Lucky lucky lucky).

Have a haiku in for consideration with Snapshot press for their calendar project.

Dog log.

Otty is fantastic. Four days into his new gig and he’s already getting the routine down. He’s a quick learner and takes to his kennel with no fuss when we have to run out for Tony Paco’s chili dog sauce or my son goes to his swimming lesson. He is doing his business outside – mostly.
He runs after his toys in that jumbly, almost falling sideways way that makes him even cuter. Archaic phrases like pell mell come to mind.


RJGibson said...

Congrats across the board Keith. Keep us posted.

Area 17 said...

Hi Keith,

Did it get accepted?


Keith said...

Alan, thanks for coming by.

Your question prompted me to take a visit to SS web site and no, I didn't get in.

How about you? Placed anything lately?


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