Monday, June 4, 2007

Seferis and Friend

Here is a little grab from Seferis' notebooks about his cat. He looked at the fire. Right on.

“ … grieving for Ramazan. He was my only friend in Ankara, a friend of my own. I can’t explain the hyperbolic, the unexpected, the irrational state into which the loss of this small creature has plunged me. It is the circumstance of this little death perhaps; as if he waited for us before dying. Then, I don’t know, such a death makes you see the void—that place of his on the grape arbor—from another angle, smaller but clearer, in a more naked way; it is another thing, the ghost of an animal; without resurrection; an absolute loss. The earth seemed horribly inhuman Friday afternoon. Such dignity in the way he went off to die. He sought the sun constantly, he looked at the fire.”

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