Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Gay Stealth

Tonight on the way home from work I heard about Tim Gill for the first time. His "gay stealth" agenda, as one conservative ass head called it, is the best news I've heard all day. Pro family and love vs. pro fear.

In pursuit of their own stealth agenda, the GOP works hard to fuck over the worker - again.

NOTE: I apologize for the gratuitous use of "ass head" and "fuck" in this post, but I recently discovered I only have a PG-13 rating and think I am really intended for mature audiences so I am trying to boost my rating.


Brent Goodman said...

Man I only have a PG rating. My gay stealth agenda involves black ninja pajamas. silk.

Keith said...

see, if you had said 'darn PG rating, that would probably bump you up to PG-13.

RJGibson said...

I picture myself as more a sexual terrorist...insert shock and awe pun here.

Surprisingly my blog is PG-13. I have to try harder!

Unknown said...

lol. I was shocked by my rating. I had always thought on my blog as PG.

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