Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Caveat Emptor - Dog Haze of Summer

Christ, the puppy arrived and looks nothing like the photo the breeder sent. I gather it was a rough trip from Indianapolis for not only has the puppy aged terribly, the breed has changed. Be weary my friends. Don't get taken in as I was by cute puppy photos from unscrupulous breeder fakes. Makes the naming task a lot easier.

God, I love the Internet some times. Cosmetic surgery for dogs? "Here at my clinic I would never attach an artificial testicle."


RJGibson said...

Oh...oh my. I am literally speechless.

Brent Goodman said...

Keith I warned you that $1.99 was too good to be true, and that you should have had him shipped via Air carrier, not USPS. Lesson learned I guess!

Arminius said...

Wow. That's kind of creepy.

Keith said...

His name is actually Ugly, though his cooler than cool owners call him Ugly Poo. He was a winner, or the winner in an ugly dog contest. They rescued him and they live right here in Ohio.

RJGibson said...

Well...good for him and his owners.

BTW--did you know that some men (after they're treated for testicular cancer) get prostethetic testicles orginally designed for dogs?

Keith said...

4Real? I had not heard of that.

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