Monday, June 18, 2007

Carl Douglas vs. Optimus Prime

Rush Hour 3 or 4 is coming to theaters soon and my son saw the trailer with me at Spiderman this weekend.
In one scene Chris Rock does a little dance and sings "Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!"

Then, for the remainder of the day, my son was puttering around singing that line over and over and over and over - in his squeaky voice and with great gusto. It drove me crazy and I almost broke down and gave him this Optimus Prime voice changer helmet I've had stashed thinking it would stop him from singing Kung Fu fighting, but then I imagined he would just say it with the helmet on which would be more freaky. Optimus Prime doing Chris Rock doing Carl Douglas.

P.S. Picked up our Transformers movie tickets - advanced sales. BLAM!

P.S.S. Did you know Carl Douglas has a Greatest Hits? That, too, is freaky.

1 comment:

RJGibson said...

Keith--not sure if this will be a dupe...Blogger monster seems to be hating me today.

I know of a worse version of "Kung Fu Fighting"--Roseanne Barr's version from her "I Enjoy Being a Girl" CD. Which (to my chagrin) I own.

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