Friday, April 20, 2007

Ponch Gets His Due

With the weather finally warming up I thought maybe I was sensing a little magic (and a lot of pollen) in the air. Now I am sure of it. Estrada gets a Hollywood Walk of Fame star. About time, eh?


Anonymous said...


Yeah; that Ponch is something else!

Hey, I don't know you were from Grand Rapids.
You're right, the food up here is bad, though I did have a nice dinner on Wednesday at One Trick Pony, which is quite close to the Public Library (and in the same building as the legendary Cottage Bar).

As far as your poem goes, I am not sure where to send it. I can tell you that the places that give me the best "read" on my work are Bellingham Review, Louisiana Literature, Margie and West Branch. The editors at all of these journals always seem intererested in what I am up to, even if they don't accept what I send them. Since you and I appear to be writing from the same place, with similar concerns and in similar forms, you may want to try one or more of these.

I'm not sure that it would help, but feel free to tell them that I suggested that you send them some work.

Let em know how it goes.

All the best,

Greg Rappleye

Anonymous said...


I meant "let me know how it goes."

I am the worst typist! And my eyes are so bad now, I can't "see" what I've written without reading it six or seven times.


Keith said...

Greg, yes I lived in Grand Rapids for quite a while. That’s why I am always bringing up food in my messages to you. Yesterdog, Vitales, Russ’s … you can tell what my priorities were. And of course the blue cheese burger at the Cottage Bar.

I graduated from GVSU and naturally just kind of slid into GR when I finished and worked downtown at an ad agency. I miss the town, a great deal really.

Thanks for the pub tips. I will kee p you posted.

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