Monday, April 23, 2007

Good Mail Days - Transtromer Haiku

My Poetry East copies arrived over the weekend.

Really felt great to see my poem on the page. After not writing or submitting work for so damn long, I am glad to be getting back into a rhythm. (It helps too that the weather loves me again and is finally warming up.)

And today, more great mail. I got the Collected Zbginiew Herbert and new Collected Transtromer from Amazon. I may not come up for air for a while.

ADDENDUM: Just opened the Transtromer to find A) it's a New Directions pub and shockingly, there is a table of contents - not simply the usual index of titles in the back. When did they start doing this? Guess it has been a while since I bought a ND books.

And B) Not only are the last four pages haiku (written in 2004), but there is a group of haiku in the collection (previously uncollected) from 1959.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Congrats on the Poetry East publication.

That's a great journal.

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