Monday, August 6, 2007

Knock Knock. Who's There? Banana Wang

Okay, we have been devouring childrens' books now for 7 some years, and never, NEVER in all that time have I seen anything like this.

I give you the Banana Wang.

Can it even be an accident? The pic is from a joke book we picked up at a garage sale. Whit was reading it to me last night at bed time, and most of the jokes were terrible, but this, this was funny as hell.


RJGibson said...

O my. O my my my my my.

Brent Goodman said...

That's usually the same expression I have holding a banana that big for the first time.

Clare said...

That's hysterical -- goofy and unexpected! Some book illustrator sure was monkeying around!

Valerie Loveland said...

Yeah, there is no reason for a banana to be shaped like that.

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