Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Poem for Fishing Season


I loved the slick alphabet of bait. Catalpa worms,
yellow with black spurs, clinging
to broad leaves

until I knocked them down with cane poles.

I'd flood the yard at dusk, trick crawlers
up through the dirt.

And the leopard frogs--lime-green & brown-spotted
that squirted through wet grass.

I kept those I caught in a coffee can on the porch; it beat
like a drum at night

as they shot against the lid.

I fished in beautiful places, but it's the baiting
I remember--
piercing a hook through the white petal
of each frog's throat, working it up
& out the beak-nose
quick, with a stitching motion; croaks rising
to chirps, & the pressure
of small fingers pushing against the freight of my grip.

I want to say a frog's just a frog.
But that sound,
the cruel pop of barb through skin ...


Brent Goodman said...

This was always one of my favs. I wish you would have sent it in to qarrtsiluni!

Keith said...

Oh purr, oh blush!

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