Sunday, May 27, 2007

Jaunty Hat

I see a lot of similarities between my Blog photo and the classic Leaves of Grass Whitman image.

The frosty beard, the hat (a hat I should say), the shirt unbuttoned in that inviting "let's sit in some warm shade and talk". Maybe while I am there someone's tongue will plunge into my ribs? My hands are, however, limp in my lap. My baseball cap is not tilted, cocked like a question made of cloth. Nor is my head tilted. What does that leave? An unbuttoned shirt, a beard?

Okay maybe the likeness is a s-t-r-e-t-c-h. Still, I feel today the way I imagine he feels in this picture. And who says a baseball hat can't be jaunty.


Unknown said...

Yes! You are Whitman, for sure!

Brent Goodman said...

The likeness is uncanny - you crack me up! I ponder'd this post in silence, lingering long.

Keith said...

Greg & Brent, I think it must be true for I am mad to be in contact with another three day weekend. Arggh! Back to work.

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