Wednesday, May 23, 2007

ABE - Advanced Book Exchange

I know all you poetry hounds out there on the hunt must know about ABE, a decent online book source ... but just in case, here's the scoop. ABE is a lot like Amazon in that they list matches lowest price first, and they seem to have a better selection on the whole. This week I was able to wallow in my newest poetry crush and got Mary Ruefle's The Adamant, Cold Pluto, Post Meridian and Apparition Hill. Cheapo. Check it out if you need some used, but like new books of poems.


RJGibson said...

I loves me some Abes. I use them quite a bit for used books. Had I known you'd wanted the Cold Pluto I would've gladly sent you my underloved copy from Grad School.

Keith said...

Underloved Ruefle breaks my heart. Thanks anywho, but very generous of you, RJ.

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