Saturday, June 28, 2008

Way of the Peaceful Warrior

My father is forever giving me books he thinks I should read. A long time ago it was his entire Steinbeck and Hemmingway collection. He also gave me Dee Brown's Bury My Heart, he also tried to get me to read Grist for the Mill ... and here is one he bought and gave to me many many years ago. I keep in on my "active" shelf and read it every three or four years. Besides Of Mice and Men, it's the only book that has ever brought tears to my eyes. I recognized a lot of painful similarities between myself (the emptiness I can never shake) and the main character. No, I have not mastered the pommel horse.

Any else ever read it? Love to hear your reaction.

I was thinking again about the book because this morning I was mulling over the age old questions, where am I, where am I going, as I puttered around the house, weak with drunk sweats and from waking at 4 with a mean mo fo headache after tying one on last night with my Art Director friend. The house looked like a frat room - bottles everywhere - not just because of our mess but because I've been solo since last Tuesday with Myla, my heroic wife, and Whitman in Dallas ... 45 years old, and hung over on a Saturday morning? Feeling stupid. Ragged.

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