Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Barracuda

Palin the victim of a liberal media. The polls say it's so, of course Rasmussen is a known conservative. (That doesn't come out very clearly in this out-of-nowhere tally.) Here he is helping the GOP create the illusion that Palin is being unfairly looked at by the media. If we just stop asking these unfair questions about her background and qualifications everyone can move forward and get on with, as Peggy Noonhan put it "the narrative."

**** NOTE: Watch for the finger. It's the physical prelude to her ripostes and assorted zingers.

On a completely unrelated note. What the %$@#$!$% is up with all these dancing figures on banner ads. Aliens, blue people. Silhouette suit guy. Jennifer Anniston look alikes. What what what the hell does it mean! If I see one more dancing figure beside an banner ad for mortgage rates or online degrees I think I will blow a fuse.

I need to update my Gallery of Keiths.


Kate Evans said...

I'd like to give her the finger, and I mean my middle one. She's for everything I find morally repugnant. I worry for our country.

Keith said...

Kate, Kate, Kate ... come on, drink the Kool-Aid. Really, when you think about it, if she can kill and dress a moose, think of all them there terrorist fillets she could do up. Mavericks is U.S. :)

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