Friday, September 5, 2008

Up with Palin's October Surprise

According to today's conservative-leaning, Ramussen survey they managed to find a way to suggest that Palin is more popular than McCain or Obama. Rasmussen surveys are about as legitimate as the Bush administration investigating itself. A closer look at Rasmussen and company. And here, you can see the beginning of what's left of the Bush administration trying to shakeup an ongoing investigation so that it might, I don't know, investigate itself? We'll see. Could just be Palin's October Surprise in the works.


Brent Goodman said...

I never realized just how sexist you really are until you mentioned Palin in anything but a positive light. Harumph!

Keith said...

Yes, I am sexy. Thanks.

I guess it's like Obama said: you can put lipstick on a fish and roll it up in a hockey mom, and it's still a stinking newspaper you can swat the pitbull with. He spake
and drank rapidly a glass of water.

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