Friday, September 26, 2008

Nader on Bailout

Here's Ralph Nader, on Democracy Now, talking about the Bailout and showboats among other things. Fear, fear fear rush to war. Rush to bailout crooks. Rush. Rush. Rush. "But the first step is to slow down Congress. Once this bill is passed—and it’s a blanket bill. It’s only four pages, Amy, four pages of a $700 billion blank check, transferring congressional authority wholesale, and I think unconstitutionally, to the White House, King George IV at work again. Once it passes, then the chance for comprehensive regulation and all the other changes to make Wall Street accountable, instead of allow Wall Street to create a corporate state or what Franklin Delano Roosevelt called fascism, which is government controlled by private economic power, represented by people like Henry Paulson—once this happens, it’s not going to be reversible." An excerpt.

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