Friday, July 18, 2008

The After Bath Aftermath

Otty pup had a big day at Bow Wow Beach today - his favorite tourist trap. In the miserable heat he still had the energy to run around for 40 minutes with: Jack, Simon, Reeses, Snickers, Zoey et al.

And as always, after funning around in the dog park's shit water pond, he gets a serious bath.

Rolls around like a super freak after his bath.

And then falls asleep standing up. Sleeeeepy Pup.


Valerie Loveland said...

Aw, I love how Otty already looks like an old man.

Keith said...

Yes! He does. Little Gramps Pup. With his eyebrows like they are we sometimes call him Milosz.

Anonymous said...

With a dog that falls asleep standing up, you could invent a new sport: pooch-tipping. One tap on the side, and over he gooooooes....

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