Saturday, November 24, 2007

Weekend Round Up

My wife Jenda makes this killer trifle. Feast your eyes. And one of the best things about the trifle are leftovers ... leftover rum, Godiva chocolate liquer (sp?). With the help of leftovers, I have thankfully maintained a steady buzz since Thursday.

Got Naomi Klein's new book in at the library, and Greg Palast's latest as well. Either one sure to put me in the dark place, but informed in the dark place is better than ignorant in the dark place.

Finally, discovered (again thanks to my wife Jenda) a little record shop down by Kent State called Spin More Records. A nice guy there named Brando burned a bunch of tracks from old vinyl to CD for me -- 80's stuff that I have not found anywhere on disc: Aztec Camera, Let's Active, Water Walk, Triffids. Ah, those were the days my friend.

P.S. This week's Keith (see Gallery) looks like a cousin.


Brent Goodman said...

Keith of Keiths, have you been workin out?

Keith said...

Yes, I open and close, open and close the left over bottle of rum. I twist tops off Cokes. Grab huge (meaning heavy) fistfuls of ice from the freezer. My drinking hand is freaking buff.

Brent Goodman said...

you should see my martini arm! pimento-popping buff I'll tell you what. I tagged you you're it.

Unknown said...

Don't let me near that!

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