Thursday, September 3, 2009

Laughter is the Best Medicine, Unless it Kills You

I am officially worried.

Last night, I shared the Poo Trap video with my son Whit (see below) and when I saw him laughing I started laughing, hard really hard, and then I kind of just went away ....

I came to with my head on the edge of the desk where I was sitting. I had blacked out.

This is the second time this has happened to me now.

Always the same circumstances, laughing so hard I black out.

The first time was also with Whit -- sharing a little bit of humor with someone else, and seeing them laugh just makes it funnier I guess. But what if I am driving and someone makes me laugh.

I just saw the doctor for an upper respiratory infection, now I need turn around and go back about the laughing disease.

1 comment:

Valerie Loveland said...

Wow, that is tragic.

I hope it is nothing serious, just some silly little thing, then you can use it as a party trick.

Let us know what the doctor says.

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