Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Like it Hot & Dirty: Annual Mud Fight

Here in the Heights, family get togethers are messy. Forget horseshoes. Forget cookouts. When we get together -- meaning me, my son Whit and my nephews from Kalamazoo -- we have a mud fight. They ganged up on me, and minutes into the fun I took a huge plop of it right in the eye and had to manage one-eyed for much of the time.


Lynn said...

I notice the lads had the aid of swim goggles...hmmm. Me thinks this is not fair! Love the Mud Man photo. I think this should be your standard online avatar.

Valerie Loveland said...

These are hilarious, especially seeing you running around with a bucket of mud.

chellpenz said...

Can I just say this is why this man is the greatest dad on earth? I would never do this, so thank god he does.

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