Thursday, November 6, 2008

FOX Eats Their Own

The race is over and I should get back to business as usual, but I can't resist this bit on FOX about Sarah Palin.

And what the hell is wrong with that FOX dude's face? Botox orgy?

Oh wait, I can't resist this either from NY Times.


Brent Goodman said...

Don't forget this one:

"Sarah Palin wasn't aware that Africa was a continent and she and her brood behaved like a band of "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast . . .At one point during the campaign, Palin's youngest daughter, seven-year-old Piper, was photographed carrying a US$790 Louis Vuitton bag."


Keith said...

Hi, yes, the Beverly Hillbillies comparison has come to mind often.
Wasillabillies maybe?

Bill said...

Even when she was claiming she was the victim of false allegations, it was clear she still didn't have a handle on the continent-country issue.

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