Sunday, December 27, 2009

Comp Books, a Nerd's Confession

I have to admit, that one my greatest joys is finding notebooks, especially the comp book style, at super low, post-back-to-school prices. Here is the latest batch I got a Office Max for 80c a piece. A while back, I found some good ones at Target for 60 cents a piece. Cool.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Nice stash, Keith. Now, a confession from me: B4 Kids, Kevin & I would stop by office supply stores, Office Max, et cetera, to browse. I think we scored enough stuff to set up a small company over the couple years we did this. Nerdy? Um, yup! Now I limit myself to really cool notebooks. If they're cheap, that's extra points!
Good to see you here again. Happy New Year! (BTW, I think you should post some of your poetry here)

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