Monday, February 2, 2009

At No Time Did My Hand Leave My Arm

Abra Cadaver. Hocus focus. This is some fancy writing here. The man jumped and at no time did he leave his feet:

"It got just over Brown’s fingers, then got to Holmes’. He snared it out of the air by extending his hands and making a leap so small he wasn’t sure he ever left his feet. He had, and as he dragged the ball in he tapped both feet down in the red paint of the end zone before getting shoved out of bounds by safety Aaron Francisco."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I keep reading this over and over thinking the phrase "left his feet" must be an idiom I'm unaware of...but it's just wrong. Like when people say, "I could care less" when what they really mean is "I COULDN'T care less." If you could care less, how much less would you care? Nonsense

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