Monday, March 8, 2010

B-Movie Shoe Closet

This month's B-Movie. "

"Lo, and though they all wear them, nothing could prepare the good people of Highland Square for the terror that is THE SHOE CLOSET UNDER THE BED.

(Shakey cam)

My wife Bianca has two shoe closets. One in the study, and one under our bed. In all fairness, in the WAY back you can see my piles of bedside books.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dog Dreams

This morning, I came down stairs to find Otty on his back, just waking from his Road Kill dream again. He says he has the dream a lot this time of year, when Spring is approaching and a young dog's thoughts turn to walks. Along streets. Streets with cars on them. Scarrrrrry.
Search Poor Fool